Tuesday, 11 January 2011

From Vernacular to Classical: The Perpetual Modernity of Palladio

On June 10-12, 2011 the School of Architecture will host two exhibits and a conference (From Vernacular to Classical: The Perpetual Modernity of Palladio). One exhibit will be the Royal Institute of British Architects' (RIBA) travelling exhibit, "Palladio's Legacy: A Transatlantic Journey," and the other will be "New Palladians: Modernity and Sustainability in the 21st Century Architecture." The conference will address the synergies and dialectics across vernacular and classical architecture and discuss their relevance in a broader Palladian tradition in the 21st Century. A call for papers is included below; abstracts are due by February 10, 2011. Conference registration information will be posted late January, 2011.
